President of the German Bundestag Will Open the International New Media Art Exhibition

At the Kumu Art Museum on Wednesday, 18 May, Norbert Lammert, President of the German Bundestag, Ene Ergma, Speaker of the Riigikogu, Klaus-Dieter Lehmann, President of the Goethe Institute, and Jaanus Mutli, a board member of European Capital of Culture 2011 – Tallinn will open “gateways. Art and Networked Culture”, one of the largest media art exhibitions in Europe this year.

“Gateways is one of the most ambitious and complicated modern art exhibitions in the history of Kumu,” said Anu Liivak, the Director of the Kumu Art Museum. “I am extremely happy that we have received help from so many supporters in order to bring this exhibition to the public and now to open it at such a high level.”

The works by the European artists in the exhibition examine the importance of network technologies, and their social and cultural impact on society. The exhibition will also expand into the Tallinn cityscape in the form of interactive projects and actions.

Twenty-seven artists from 16 European countries are participating in the exhibition and, of the 29 works on display, 14 are new projects that were specially commissioned for this exhibition.

The artists implement new technologies in non-traditional ways, in order to make mundane things more visible and easier to experience. For instance, Timo Toots’s Memoпoл II is a machine that maps the visitor’s virtual information field; in Real Snail Mail, a work by the English artists’ group boredomresearch, e-mails are delivered by brown garden snails; German artist Christina Kubisch’s Electrical Walks in Tallinn reveals the world of electromagnetic sounds surrounding us.

Gateway means access – to spaces, information, data networks and communities.
The exhibition focuses on the reformation of public space that has resulted from the increased overlapping of the informational sphere and geographical space.

The artists experiment with mobile media and offer alternatives for networking beyond a society that is largely devoted to consumption. The artists dissect the meaning of digitalisation for society and discuss the socio-economic impact of the phenomenon.

The exhibition is taking place in close cooperation with the Goethe Institute and is one of the main events in the official programme of European Capital of Culture 2011 – Tallinn. The exhibition is supported by EMT, the British Council, Auswärtiges Amt and the Spanish Embassy.

“gateways. Art and Networked Culture” will be on exhibit at the Kumu Art Museum from 13 May to 25 September 2011.



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